The True School Is Life – Teaching hours from the divine Wisdom
Train yourself for your life! This series of programs contains teachings hours from the divine Wisdom: schooling with indications and help that are true-to-life, and which anyone who wants to can try out.
Topics are, for example: “The New Person. How do I stay true to my resolutions?” – “Happiness and Health Are in Your Hands” – “Keep the Inner Calm in Every Situation” – “Take the Freedom, become free, be free” – We Learn to Focus” – “Live with Nature and the Animals” – “The Redeemer-Power of the Christ of God in Us” – etc., etc.
The programs are designed as reading and contain passages in the original sound of the schoolings.
LIOBANI – The School for New Jerusalem
For another time under the sign of the Christ of God, The love for God and neighbor
What is freedom? To what values do you want to orient your life? Is God also in the animals and in nature? Who can we find God, at all?
The programs series for children and young people with explanations from Liobani contain exciting topics, as, for example: “The Day — Your Friend,” “The Fire and Air Spirits,” “Take Your Life in Hand,” “Everything Feels — Animals, Plants and Stones,” “Verbal and Written Exams,” etc.
Good Thoughts for a Good Night – LIOBANI
Good evening, dear children!
The day is drawing to a close. The sun is going down and nature is growing quieter. Before you, too, go to bed, we’ll hear—if you want— what Liobani would like to say to you: Good thoughts that want to go with you into the night.
The Free Communities Under the Sign of the Lily
Worldwide people of all cultures who strive toward a free Original Christianity
come together in the Free Communities—without rituals, without prayer leaders,
without teachers or pastors and priests, without religious structures.
The Free Spirit—God in us—that is the hallmark of the Free Communities all over the world.
In the Free Communities that meet informally for an interchange, the motto is:
One helps the other. Many teaching hours are given from the divine Wisdom
for the Free Communities. Translated in many languages, these also reach people
around the Earth via radio and television.
The meditations, such as “Assurance – A Gain for Life” invite the viewer to take time to look deeper and to reflect. With these contemplations, the viewer is able to understand his existence from a higher perspective and to concentrate on the essential.
Original Christian Meditations – 1 – For the Expansion and Stabilization of Consciousness
These Original Christian meditations from the Spirit of God, given and spoken by Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God in our time, serve the expansion and stabilization of our consciousness—for people who wish to follow the Inner path to God, the Eternal. The first twelve meditations contain many invaluable suggestions and help us to orient our own feeling, thinking and acting more and more to God, the Eternal, and His Son, Christ, the Co-Regent of heaven. It is the first step on the path to within, to God in us.
Original Christian Meditations – 2 – As the Preparation of the Soul for the Path to God
These Original Christian meditations from the Spirit of God help the spirit power, the divine forces in us, to have a stronger effect in us—for the healing of soul and person. By purposefully addressing the consciousness centers, every organ, every cell of our body is awakened and vivified. The meditations are given and spoken by Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God in our time, to prepare the soul for the path to God.