Readings and conversation rounds
Readings and conversation rounds on topics such as “The Ten Commandments,” “The Sermon on the Mount,” “Reincarnation,” “The All-encompassing Cosmic Library – The All-Ocean of God.” They deal with the question of whether it is also possible in our modern society to apply the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in our daily life.

Finding Yourself
Words of Life – Even One Sentence Can Brighten Our Disposition”: Readings from various books, for instance, “A Lot, a Lot of Life” or “The Atheist – a Friend of the Prophet?” among others.

Picture meditations
Picture meditations, such as “Prayer Means to Empathize and Bear Responsibility,” “Love for God and Neighbor Heals,” “Meditation to the Lord’s Prayer” or “Everything Is in Bloom” invite the viewer by way of nature pictures and meditative texts to take time to look deeper and to reflect. With these contemplations, the viewer is able to understand his existence from a higher perspective and to concentrate on the essential. (30 – 45 min.). “Your Thoughts Are Your Day” as well as “Morning and Evening Meditations” frame our daily routine.

Helping Animals – Saving Life
These are exciting and entertaining reports about animal and nature protection projects in Germany. Animal caretakers give a very close look into the life stories of various animals. For example, the episode “The Infirmary” reports on how three squirrels, a young wild pig, fawns, a hare and an owl are cared for in an infirmary.

Classics for the Soul
Live recordings of musical moments for relaxation and enjoyment, with classical pieces by world-renown composers – works for chamber music to a full orchestra from all musical epochs.

Vegan Folks’ Cooking
In this vegan cooking series, Chef Christoph Michels and his team demonstrate how to make fine dishes for a tasty vegan cuisine. Cook with joy and enjoyment. Quickly made, always original, and easy to make at home.

Loosening Up Exercises
A fitness program for an optimal start in the day. Physiotherapists Sabine Lautenschläger and Sebastian Spoerhase demonstrate practical exercises and gentle muscle training.

Consumer Magazine
In the Consumer Magazine Programs “Health Panel” or “Science Panel” studio guests and experts inform about various topics of daily life such as climate, environment and health, for example, “Antibiotics – when Medications Become Risks,” “The Influence of Heavy Metals on the Nervous System,” “What All Is in Fish?”, “Black Holes,” “Brain – Do Human Beings Have Free Will?” among many others.

Special films
Special films like the Australian documentary “A Delicate Balance” (Phoenix Films, 2008), impressively show that by changing one’s living and eating habits one can stay healthy and vigorous into an advanced age – while also protecting the environment and the climate.

Documentaries like “The Soil We Live On – an Unknown Cosmos,” “Focus Point Earth – Habitat Rainforest,” convey important facts about the microcosms of nature, thus increasing our awareness on how we can contribute toward using the resources of this planet in a sparing way.

What Do Great Minds Have to Say?
In this short format, quotes from the “Great Minds” of the past and present about the ethical interaction with one another and with animals and nature invite us to reflect and orient ourselves anew. They include, for instance, Goethe, da Vinci, Gandhi, Horace, Tolstoy, Hesse, Dostoevsky, and many others.

Children’s Programs
Children’s Programs, such as, for example, the “Liobani School to Higher Ethics and Morals,” convey to younger and older children how to to treat each other and the animals with respect. “Manikin, the Story Gnome,” entertains his young viewers with stories such as “The Cricket and the Ants,” “Lovey, the Bull” or “The Squirrel Frisky.” The children’s programs are rounded off with several animated children’s stories, for instance, “The Raven Rufri.”

The Life Compass
In this discussion group, young people discuss the significance and practical applications of the parables of Jesus of Nazareth today, for instance, “The Parable of the Prodigal Son,” “The Parable of Talents” or “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.”

In Conversation With …
In these informative programs, well-known people are interviewed on site and their views on current topics are presented, for example, Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif on “Climate Change” or the late Enoch Freiherr zu Guttenberg on the topic of “Wind Energy.”